The School Service

is suitable for students at

all ages and levels

The School Service
is available everyday

The school service is available all weekdays from 8AM to 3PM. The school service needs to be booked in advance. You can do so by calling +298 505 120 or +298 321 020.

The Price is 25 KR for each student or minimum 300 KR in total.




& Nature 


One of the main purposes of Føroya Sjósavn is to teach school children, kindergartens and other groups about topics that are directly related to the exhibitions. 

Since 2006, school classes and kindergartens have visited Føroya Sjósavn in large numbers. The school service is open all year. 

In the new aquarium, of course, great emphasis is placed on that these groups get as good circumstances as possible.
There is a teaching room on the lower floor, where children and other groups can dissect fish and look at them through a microscope. 

On the top floor, a classroom is planned with equipment for research and teaching. 

Do you have questions regarding The School Service?

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