Despite its modest conditions, Føroya Sjósavn has been a great success with about 10,000 visitors a year, of which approx. 2,000 are from schools and kindergartens that have been able to study marine life up close and be taught about the diversity of the sea. 

Føroya Sjósavn aspires to create a space for knowledge and education for people at all ages and levels.

The dream of an oceanarium in the Faroe Islands is both old and persistent, and there have been many discussions and suggestions about how it should be realized. 

A project often starts with a passionate soul and this is also the case for Føroya Sjósavn (the National Oceanarium). 

Bjørki Geyti, who has a background as a surveyor, biologist assistant and commercial diver, has worked with the sea for many years, among other things for the Natural History Museum and the Marine Biological Station of the Faroe Islands. One of the tasks was to construct some aquariums that researchers and students could use in their work. Soon, schools and kindergartens began to visit. It was clear that there was a great deal of interest and need for a public visiting aquarium. A dream was created. 

A steering committee with several enthusiasts was formed and an application for financial support for the design of a public aquarium in the old “ice house” (cold store) on Argir was sent to Tórshavn municipality (capital of the Faroe Islands) in 2004. 

The application was welcomed by the municipality, which immediately offered a 30-year lease of the old ice house for a symbolic amount as well as financing of the refurbishment of the interior. 

The project was realized with the help of volunteers under the technical leadership of David Geyti and in Easter 2007, Føroya Sjósavn opened to the public. 

Føroya Sjósavn is today organized as a self-governing institution (foundation) with a board. The institution is financially supported by both the municipality of Tórshavn and the Faroese Government. 

A maritime aquarium is of great importance to the education of children and adults about our basic living conditions and surrounding environment, and despite its modest conditions, Føroya Sjósavn has been a great success with about 10,000 visitors a year, of which approx. 2,000 are from schools and kindergartens that have been able to study marine life up close and be taught about the diversity of the sea. 

The Ice House around 1970


Old Ice


The oceanarium’s current premises consist of 3 units: partly the old ‘Ice House’, which is built of boulders, partly an extension in reinforced concrete, in addition to an extension in wood. The buildings have for many years functioned as workshops for the municipality, and they are all used by the aquarium today; The ice house and the concrete building as exhibition rooms, and the wooden building as a technical room.

Only the old boulder building may possibly have conserva-tion value. This ice house was used about a century ago to collect ice to supply the fishing boats

Outside are historical relics from a dam that was built to collect ice in the winter.

The ice house has a history that is worth preserving, both as part of the Faroese fishing history, but also as part of the aquarium’s history.

The idea is to clean the house down to the original wall and let it be part of the new aquarium. This part is intend-ed to be used for lectures and various exhibitions.

Føroya Sjósavn is today organized as a self-governing institution (foundation) with a board. The institution is financially supported by both the municipality of Tórshavn and the Faroese Government. 

The organization and board i occupied by a variety of people with an intrest in the aquarium, biology and and the faroese ocean.


Bjørki Geyti (Booking and senior advisor)

Phone: +298 505120, email: bjorki@sjosavn.fo

Hans Eli Sivertsen (Daily aquarium manager)

Phone: +298 505123, email: hanseli@sjosavn.fo

David Geyti (Technical advisor and maintenance)

Phone: +298 505122, email: david@sjosavn.fo


Heini Hátún

Phone: +289 522353, email: heini@sjosavn.fo

Board Members

Dánial Hoydal (Chairman of the board)

Phone: +298 214212, email: danial@sjosavn.fo

David Geyti

Phone: +298 505122, email: david@sjosavn.fo

Marita Rasmussen

Phone: +298 793900, email: marita@hav.fo

Magnus Gaard

Phone: +298 210479, email: magnus@sjosavn.fo

Bjørn Kunoy

Phone: +298 556129, email: bjornkunoy@gmail.com

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