
To the Faroe Islands – a fishing nation in the middle of the North Atlantic – life in the sea is a completely essential and natural part of the Faroese identity. And a sustainable coexistence with the surrounding ocean is natural to the inhabitants. Therefore, there is no more suitable spot to place a new North Atlantic oceanarium and marine research centre.

Faroese text

Nýtt sjósavn

Føroyar eru ein sjóvinnutjóð mitt í Norðuratlantshavinum. Tí hava leingi verið ætlanir um at gera eitt veruligt sjósavn, ofta kallað “mest upplagda savnið í Føroyum.” Hesin dreymurin verður nú veruleiki.

Arkitektauppskot er gjørt, og partur av fíggingini fingin til vega. Nýggja sjósavnið verður ein stásiligur bygningur beint við innsiglingina til høvuðsstaðin, ið fer at rúma fjølbroyttum virksemi.

Føroya Sjósavn er eisini til miðnámsskúla ungdómin í Føroyum.

Eitt gylt høvi í lærugreinum sum lívfrøði, tilfeingisfrøði og alitøkni, at læra um lívið í sjónum og gagnnýtsluna av tí

Founded in 2006

Føroya Sjósavn was founded in 2006 with the purpose of displaying the sea habitats surrounding the Faroe Islands. The Aquarium is organized as a self-governing institution (foundation) with a committee and a management team.  The institution is financially supported by both the municipality of Tórshavn and the Faroese Government. 

A maritime aquarium is of great importance to the education of children and adults about our basic living conditions and surrounding environment.

Opening hours:


During the winter season we are open Saturday and Sunday from 2pm to 5pm. The winter season runs from 1. September to 14. June.


During the summer season we are open Tuesday to Sunday from 2pm to 5pm. The summer season runs from 15. June to 31. August.

Do you have any questions?

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V-tal: 573124

Bank account: 6460 1730039